Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Main Basement Dig

Digging the main basement took three days and many more loads of dirt were hauled away.  They used the big excavator like before.  You can see Chase standing in the yellow shirt (Stone is in black).  The hole looks huge next to them!  A ramp was dug for easy access in/out of the basement.  Thanks to Martin for helping me move all of the ICF block that will be used for the main basement from the "front yard" area to the "back yard" area as seen below.  It feels like my main role here is constantly moving stuff around!

In the picture below, the boys were excited to stand where their bedrooms will eventually be.

All of the rest of the property is covered with dirt piles that will be used for backfill.  There's hardly room to move around.  You can see the piles of dirt hiding our "construction" trailer and there are large piles where the garage will eventually be (...this is why we had to move the block).  This presents a challenge that I haven't yet solved...where to put lumber and floor truss deliveries that have to come in before backfill???  Even still, my eye (and others have agreed), that they didn't leave enough dirt behind.  We'll see.  Luckily, it's their responsibility if they have to go retrieve some...

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